Creating a Commendable Video



“Content is King, so they say. This quote applies not only to written content but also to other kinds of communication media including videos.”


“Videos are an effective form of interactive communication that can pack and deliver an amount of information to an audience in just one viewing. Because of the video’s convenience and ability to create impact, many aspire to create great compelling videos that are newsworthy, praiseworthy, and share-worthy.”

A video’s visibility may be enhanced through methods of video optimization, but what will enable others to share or pass it along is the video itself the content. Many factors can affect how well a video can turn out to be and how effectively it can engage the viewers.

If you are planning to create a video that you want to promote and share with a specific audience, video optimization is not the only thing you must focus on. The video’s content would be most important because it is what will carry out your goals.

Your video must embody the vision and mission of your project and it must effectively capture the interest of your target audience. There are many ways and styles of creating a great video; all you need is to study and determine which kind of video would be right for your audience.


Here are some of the common styles video makers are using in creating videos for different genres: 


Talking Head

This is probably the simplest style of videos. It captures only a single person’s head, or head and shoulders, while he is making a speech. This style is good for personal, promotional, or direct-appeal videos.



This style will involve two persons, one will act as the interviewer and the other the interviewee.Interviews Both of them could be shown on cam and the scene is depicted as a one-on-one.

It could also be done “news style,” wherein only the interviewee is shown on cam the interviewer is off cam with only his voice heard. This type is good for promotional, direct appeal, and “about me/us” videos.


Live Webcast

Live Webcast

From the word “live,” the video is taken on the spot and streamed simultaneously while the speaker delivers a speech or follows a script. This style is used for explanatory videos and live webisode series (web video episodes).


Video PowerPoint

This style makes use of MS PowerPoint in delivering the message with only a voice-over narration. This is frequently used for lecture videos and even webinars.



Whether live or recorded, the video is captured while the speaker or actor performs a demonstration on how a particular task, project, or craft is done step by step. This is especially used in how-to, tutorial, and technical videos. This is also easier to promote with video optimization as demo videos usually have transcripts that can be inserted with keywords.


Photo Montage

This will look like a slide show of photos and texts that transition in even intervals. This is particularly good for organizational videos that only aim to introduce an organizational body with little introductory notes.


Sales Videos

This is usually in the form of flash videos that only feature a “buy” button and a video or text that is relevant to the product being sold. This is used for direct purchase and shopping cart redirects.


Video Testimonials

The involvement of a third-party participant, usually a consumer, plays an important role here. The video records a statement or testimony of his experience about a product or service. This is effective for providing social proofs or creating evidence-based sales videos.


Animated video

Animated VideosWhether plain cartoon or 3D, this style uses animated graphics in presenting the message or information. This is commonly used for lyrics, sales, and lecture videos.



After having determined which style you should use for your video, the next step is to ensure that the message or information that will be presented in the video is well-written and easily understood. Ideally, your video should not be very long as it might only bore your audience or take up so much of their time.

Keep your information concise and comprehensive. Use simple words that anyone can understand, and avoid words that may not be relevant or might only cause confusion. Also, ensure that your video’s content is directly relevant to keywords that you plan on using for video optimization.


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