Is Link Building Still Relevant in Search Engine Optimization?

Link Building

Link building has always been one of the most important aspects of a search engine optimization campaign. Since Google is consistently updating its algorithm then it is vital that you work on this aspect of your SEO campaign. You need to make sure that you tailor your SEO methods to suit the rules set by Google.


How Important is SEO Today?

As most search engine optimization experts and businesses know, Google has been cracking down on unethical SEO Strategies or most commonly known as a black hat technique. The most recent update of Google known as Google Pigeon Update has affected a lot of online businesses across the globe.

Most of them have dwindled down in terms of their positions in the search engine results page. It is quite surprising how a single update of Google on their search engine can have such a huge impact on a lot of websites.

The truth is that link building is still a very effective search engine optimization technique. The reason behind the frequent updates of Google is that people have been abusing SEO so much to the extent that they make use of unethical methods. In order to make sure their search engine pages yield the right results, Google has come up with several rules and guidelines when it comes to search engine optimization. Now, Google much prefers that links are obtained naturally.

When talking about natural links, it refers to the links that are links coming from real people. On the other hand, unnatural links refer to any backlink obtained through paid links or link farms. These links are considered to be of no value in terms of SEO.


How Can You Do Link Building in Today’s SEO Landscape?

link building seo

You can still build backlinks but you need to make sure that you do it in a professional manner. Gone are the days where you can simply order backlinks in bulk from companies that offer such services. Now, Google makes sure that search engine optimization is done by a thinking human rather than have any SEO software do the job.

You can still submit articles to article directories. You just need to make sure that you submit your content only to reputable websites. There are still lots of people frequenting article directories and submitting your content can provide your website instant readership.

Web directories and social bookmarking sites are still in use but their value has greatly dwindled down in the past year or two. However, you should not completely disregard these two as they can still help you out one way or another. You just need to make sure that you don’t commit the same mistake of submitting your links to link farms as it can do more harm than good to your search engine optimization campaign.

Social media is also one of the things that can help you out with your SEO campaign. Now, Google prefers referrals from social networking sites more than anything else. The reason behind this is that the more people share your content the more people regard you as an authority in your nice or industry.

Also, another popular way of building links is making use of video marketing. As you can notice, there are already YouTube videos appearing on the search engine results. This means that you can make use of YouTube as a way to get a link and online visibility for your website.


Is Link Building Already Dead?

The simple answer would be a no. There are still people who make use of this method to help with their search engine optimization campaign. However, you cannot expect the same results as before. Now, you need to invest time and effort in your SEO campaign in order to make it work.


To Know More About Link Building