The Most Effective Social Media Optimization Tools for Business

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Social media has become an integral marketing solution because it is easier for businesses to reach their audience through social media channels.

People these days are much attuned to their social media activities and that’s why small and big businesses use this advantage to bring awareness to their products through social media optimization.

By posting links and tags that will encourage users to visit a website, businesses improve their social media presence as well as generate revenue. Social media optimization is more than about posting the right links and pictures.

Social media managers have to be aware of the latest trends in social media marketing in order to boost their online presence. Social media tools are becoming rampant because they help social media managers track and handle their accounts better.

Listed Below Are Some Social Media Tools That Will Help Your Business Flourish.


facebookFacebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a free application that is helpful when analyzing your page’s performance and data. Facebook is arguably the most used social media site today, and that’s why companies use this platform the most to promote their products, brand, and events. Aside from helping you size up the performance of your Facebook page, Insights can also be downloaded so you can share it with your social media team.



TweetDeck is a free Twitter management tool that allows social media managers to monitor their Twitter activities on a single interface. Twitter activities are shown in several columns that display tweets, mentions, search terms, and a lot more. It’s a good social media optimization tool for Twitter users because it allows tweet scheduling and easier tracking of hashtags and trending topics.



Crowdbooster is a good social media publishing tool if your focus is mainly on Twitter or Facebook. This tool allows social media managers to track the activities happening on FB and Twitter, and automates the scheduling of posts. It provides good analytics regarding retweets, new followers, and gives users an idea of the best time to post an article so they can engage other users. Crowdbooster will help you keep track of your followers and will even remind you of conversations that you forget.



Buffer is another great social media publishing tool that caters best to Twitter and Facebook users. This tool has a bookmarklet feature that allows users to schedule their posts and updates accordingly. Aside from Twitter and FB, Buffer also works on Google+ and LinkedIn; it also has several extensions for Firefox and Chrome. Buffer comes in handy if you’re too busy updating your social media accounts because you can schedule piles of tweets ahead of time.



Hootsuite is one of the most favored social media publishing tools because it allows you to streamline social activities not just on Twitter and FB, but also on Foursquare, Google+, and LinkedIn. This is probably the best tool for a social media team because you can designate the tasks featured on the tool to members of your team.


WordPress6. WordPress

WordPress is one of the most effective publishing tools for small and big businesses. Aside from the tool’s blogging benefits, it also functions as an impressive social media marketing platform because of the plugins that make it easier for your posts to be featured on social media channels. The blog posts can also be scheduled and they all come with integrated sharing icons, making them very useful for social media optimization.


7. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is great for social businesses that need to be constantly in contact with their clients and customers. This tool caters to social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Sprout Social also has an effective analytics feature that is helpful when increasing social media marketing campaigns. This tool is perfect for facilitating multiple messages and comments from other users.

All in all, even though social media optimization is clearly not a simple task, it could be made simpler through the use of these tools.
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