The World Politics and Search Engine Optimization

SEO Politics

Search engine optimization (SEO) has seeped its way into the realm of world politics.

What used to be an effective strategy for start-up businesses to reach different markets and audience age groups has now evolved into a powerful reputation-builder and campaign machinery for politicians with limited resources or inexperienced supporters.

Politicians the world over have joined the digital marketing bandwagon, using all manners of social media, video ads, blogs, special websites, and sharing apps to further their political goals and aspirations.

Some would tap a competent Search Engine Optimization Company to make them more visible online. Even government offices have started optimizing their sites for better search engine rankings.


The Goals of SEO

Many businesses and individuals prefer a search engine optimization company that can help them in the following areas:


1. Cost-Efficient Marketing.


SEO is a great marketing tool. It does not involve a huge capital. In fact, you have the discretion to not spend anything at all. What you need is the right amount of knowledge. Knowing what to do and how, when and where to use SEO can give you an edge over competitors.

For this reason alone, it is not altogether surprising for SEO to find its way into world politics. Candidates and government officials need an effective but inexpensive way to reach out to citizens from all stations in life. SEO has proved beneficial in this aspect.


2. Reputation-Building and Management.

Since SEO involves a great deal of content creation and information dissemination, it helps spread the word to as many Internet users as possible within a short time frame.

You can even become an online sensation if your chosen search engine optimization company adopts the right strategies. Online reputation is best managed through customized SEO services.


According to this search engine optimization company, SEO services should be

“Custom tailored for each campaign so that clients can maximize their marketing budget and increase productivity.”

Building an online reputation through SEO is all about striking a balance between your marketing budget and reach your target audience as deep as you can.


3. Social Influence.

social influence

After the optimization campaign successfully establishes your reputation, the next step is to convince people to “buy” or at least take an interest in your product or service.

For politicians across the globe, the goal is the same but in a different way. Their challenge is either to convince people that they are the right candidate for a particular position or, in the case of elected officials and public servants, that they are really doing their job in the name of public service.


In other words, an effective political SEO campaign should not only increase the reputation and online visibility but must also be strong enough to convert people’s ideologies.

Social influence, a situation characterized by allegiance and steadfast support, is an indicator that a search engine optimization company has succeeded where others have not and that a product, service, or persona is now a well-recognized brand.


World Politics and Social Media

Political aspirants like Hillary Clinton and outgoing United States President Barack Obama are frequent social media users. They have increased their popularity thanks to a youthful marketing team that strongly advocates the use of Twitter, blogs and other social media platforms.

Democrats may be technology-savvy but the Republican bet, Donald Trump, is not far behind either. His Twitter following is a whopping 9 million-plus while Hillary only has more than 7 million followers.

315654-P9FKXN-101If Twitter following alone would be enough to win an election, then Trump has an edge over his political rival. However, there is more to running an online campaign than having a large social media presence.

Google has triumphantly predicted numerous outcomes over the last few years thanks to Google Trends. From likely election winners to voting decisions on important national issues, Google’s ability to pick up trends based on keyword search frequency and user interaction has been accurate most of the time.

The hashtag #Brexit has been trending for a number of months now. True enough, Brexit did happen and Google could not have been more accurate. If you go to the local Google search engine of each country that is about to hold an election, you would be surprised to know that the candidate who trends the most usually wins the election.

Did we not mention that Xi Jinping has a Weibo account (China’s version of Twitter) and even the Russian government has put up an official Twitter channel for Vladimir Putin?

These leaders sure know how to use social media to their advantage.

The impact Twitter and Google have on the sentiments and sensibilities of Internet users means that search engine optimization is an indispensable strategy for achieving political goals or improving the face of politics.

Social media, after all, is just part and parcel of the bigger picture that is SEO.