Pay Per Click Advantages and Disadvantages

pay per click

There are contrasting opinions about the value of using paid search marketing to boost sales or conversion. Doubts about getting good results from pay per click marketing have a lot to do with the intent of the viewers clicking on PPC ads.

Naysayers hypothesize that viewers already know where to buy stuff from and are just fishing for more product information when they click on ads, negating any prospect of converting.

Some PPC reviewers claim that savvy click fraudsters get past ad networks’ stringent control, which in turn can result in unrealistic reports that distort an ads campaign.

The fact that PPC ads still proliferate on the internet proves that Pay Per Click Marketing remains a viable option for generating awareness and bringing in more sales prospects and revenue.

Here Are Some of The Advantages of Using Pay Per Click Ads:


ppc advantages

1. Fast Traffic Generation

A well-positioned ad is likely to be clicked by searchers, sending instant traffic to the advertiser’s website.

It’s a quick way to gain site visits. PPC advertising is a good avenue for new brands or companies to gain fast recognition.


2. Search Page Domination

A popular brand that appears on top of a natural search can also bid to be on top of paid search list.

Dominating both the organic and paid search list gives the brand a huge advantage over other search results and a bigger chance for the ads to be clicked.


3. More Specific Targeting Options

Restricting ad appearance to viewers who are most likely to buy can increase conversion rates tremendously. Advertising networks usually feature geo-filters as well as age, gender, and viewing time targeting preferences.


4. Control Over Ads Appearance

Advertisers exercise all prerogatives on ad content, keywords that trigger ad appearance, and the landing page for clicked ads.


5. Click-Based Fees

Advertisers only pay for click results. This means that premium ad placement is free until the viewer takes action by clicking on an advert. The residual effect of having a well-written ad seen by internet users is not quantifiable, but a high level of recall will definitely do well for the ad.


6. Relatively Low-Cost Advertising in Certain Cases

PPC advertising can be expensive but major advertising networks do offer piecemeal advertising – a PPC campaign that has daily cost caps. This may not work for advertisers who rely much on traffic volume to drive revenue up, but it can suffice for certain entities or projects with less need for huge paid traffic.


7. PPC Ads Are Unaffected by Search Engine Refresh

Search engines perform algorithm updates from time to time and while this can crash organic search results optimization and disrupt page rankings, PPC ads are not affected.


Here Are The Arguments Against Pay Per Click Advertising:


ppc disadvantages

1. PPC Ads Require Frequent Optimization

A lot of time is spent on constantly reviewing ad content, keywords, and landing pages to ensure that the ad is performing as expected.


2. Extensive Review and Testing

Maximizing the results of a PPC campaign may require long hours of complex testing, evaluation and some technical expertise.

PPC management is oftentimes outsourced to professional digital marketing practitioners.


3. Costly PPC Campaigns

PPC budgets can easily get out of hand if the campaign is not planned and reviewed properly. Competitive keyword bidding may cause expenditures to exceed potential profit.


4. Junk Traffic

PPC services may allocate portions of their ad contracts across several search engines, partner networks and their content sites which can produce impressive statistical results but no real conversion value.

For most advertisers, the advantages of paid search advertising far outweigh its disadvantages. A pay-per-click campaign that is well-planned and closely-monitored can overcome minor and controllable difficulties.

To Know More About Pay Per Click