Some Common Misconceptions about Link Building

Link building is perhaps one of the most important aspects of any search engine optimization campaign. However, there are several myths and misconceptions that surround this SEO strategy because most people are misinformed. These myths have only increased after the Google Pigeon update. 

Link Building

The truth is that there is no such thing as a standard for link building since the rules and guidelines with regards to search engine optimization change at least once or twice a year. SEO methods that work a few years back won’t likely work in today’s SEO landscape.

Due to Google’s frequent algorithm updates, myths about SEO are formed. Here are some of the most common myths about link building:

• Directory submissions are no longer effective

Directory submission

This is perhaps one of the most popular misconceptions that people have. Directories still work in today’s SEO landscape. However, you need to realize that Google is now keen when it comes to the quantity and quality of your directory submission.

Submitting a site to a web directory is still one of the fastest ways to gain links in quantity. However, you need to make sure the directory you would be using is not a link farm or part of any spammy link network.


• Reciprocal linking is not advisable

Making use of reciprocal linking still works in terms of adding value to the sites that are part of your search engine optimization campaign. However, Google has been cracking down on sites that are unethically using this strategy. In order to make sure that reciprocal linking strategy works, you need to make sure that you don’ get reciprocal links from low quality and irrelevant websites.


Link to websites• Never link to other websites

Nowadays, it is very important that you take part in the community rather than just taking in links. It is also advisable that you recommend other websites as well. People who visit your site will surely value your recommendations.

It is also important that you need to provide the search engines the impression that you are being part of the community and you add value to your user’s experience.


• Only gets links from high page rank and do-follow websites

Although getting links from high page ranks sites can provide your website a lot of value in terms of SEO, you also need to consider getting links from other sources as well. Nowadays, search engines value diversity. Therefore, you need to have a good mix of no-follow and do-follow links.


backlinks• Stop when you get the results that you want

You don’t need to stop creating backlinks even after you have achieved the results that you wanted. Always remember that SEO is an on-going process.

The value of your backlinks can decay over time. Quitting will just give your competitors the upper hand especially if they are maintaining an on-going SEO campaign.


• Building backlinks have instant positive results to your SEO

Building Backlinks

Search engine optimization is something that needs time before one can see any result. You cannot expect that you will get results from building backlinks in just one or two weeks. Some people even worked on their SEO campaign for months but still see no results.

You can’t also compare your SEO campaign to others since no two SEO campaigns are created equal. It could be that the other is targeting easy keywords while the other one is gunning for lucrative, difficult keywords.


Just keep all of these things in mind so that you won’t get suckered in any of these pitfalls. In order to be successful in your SEO campaign, you need to have a clear goal and you need to do preliminary research before you start out with anything. Always bear in mind that link building may require a lot of work but the outcome is something worth savoring.